So here we are 2025... 7th January 2025... which means it's a birthday. Bloody hell, where did the time go?
So here we go HAPPY BIRTHDAY TADHG. 24, there's an age. When I was 24 things were pretty hopeless. The 1980s was not a good time to be 24, or twenty anything. So I hope that where ever you are and what ever you are doing, it's fun, because you'll only be 24 once. And I hope you have more fun with it than I did.
Since I don't know where you are, or what's going on, or even if I'm sitting here talking to myself (hopefully not) here's a one sided update.
Things are tough right now. Tough as in hard. Sleepless nights tough. It would be good to have a real chat, so you know the full picture, not just a one-sided projection - maybe one day. That would be nice. A good day.
Until then here are some photos of what's been going on...
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